EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a brief self-applied stress reduction technique using elements of cognitive therapy, with physical stimulation of acupuncture points.
It is often referred to as ‘Tapping’ as it uses a two finger tapping process on known acupuncture points.
EFT can address a range of issues by simply focusing on the issue you would like to address with an acceptance statement, along with a simple two finger tapping technique.
Effectiveness has been established for phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, pain and more.
The mechanisms behind EFT include deactivation of the amygdala (stress centre in the brain) and hippocampus (memory centre), as well as recent research into vagal nerve improvement.
EFT has also been shown to significantly lower cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone.
Research on gene expression indicates EFT has has the ability to down regulate genes associated with the stress response, and up-regulate or improve immune functioning.
Dr Kate has studied mainly in Australia, with Dr Peta Stapleton, who has done many of the trials to make sure that EFT is evidenced – based.
This is her list of meta analysis reviews of all the studies to date, plus her book ‘ The Science Behind Tapping’ gives more details with illustrative examples.
If you would like to find out if EFT is the right therapy for you, Dr Kate is happy to arrange a 10-minute phone conversation with you. Please telephone reception to arrange.
Physician (Integrated Medicine)