Homeopathy UK Charity Clinic News

2 years ago

Since the start of 2020 The Natural Practice has hosted a free homeopathy service, run in conjunction with Homeopathy-UK. Homeopathy-UK is a charity working to promote awareness of, and access to, homeopathy, and runs a number of charity clinics across the country. Patients booking to make use of this service can have an initial consultation, and up to four follow-up appointments. Homeopathy-UK funds any remedy prescribed at the first consultation and the only charges to patients are payments for any further remedies suggested. Dr Tim Foster staffs the clinic and offers both face to face and remote consultations.

Now the Homeopath-UK service in Winchester has been expanded by the setting up of a new clinic, based at the Trinity Centre, Winchester, which offers support to people affected by homelessness. This new clinic is being offered monthly, initially for a pilot period. The clinic at the Trinity Centre is available to any Trinity clients and also to staff and volunteers. Because people affected by homelessness often have significant and longstanding health problems, the holistic approach that homeopathy offers may be particularly suitable. The new clinic is part of an expanding range of services at the Trinity Centre. The new clinic started in January 2022 and the feedback so far has been positive.

The Natural Practice has been very supportive of the Homeopathy-UK charity clinic. The service offered is limited to homeopathy, and is for a maximum of five consultations only, so it does not replicate the more extensive integrative medicine services offered by the other medical practitioners at the Natural Practice. However, it allows patients to try a homeopathic approach, and to explore this form of complimentary therapy. Further information about these clinics can be found at the Homeopathy-UK website: homeopath-uk.org .